
How To Install Drupal On Windows 7 With Xampp

Install Drupal with XAMPP on Windows

An OSTraining member asked how to setup Drupal with XAMPP and so that they could work with multiple Drupal sites.

This tutorial will testify you how, footstep-by-step.

Download XAMPP from Apache Friends.

Select the version you lot want to use:


Install it to a location of your choice. I have chosen "D:" for my installation.

Now that we take XAMPP installed, we need to configure it. Launch the application and go to config:


From here you should check that the:

  • Editor selected is the i you want to utilise. I use cantlet so you can encounter that I accept selected atom.
  • Browser if left empty will utilise your default browser.


If you have another service installed that is using port 80, y'all will demand to make a few changes to the "Service and Port Settings":


In order to use the service, update the Apache Principal Port and, if you employ Mercury, change Port one.

Since I already take Port 80 in employ, I have ready the port to 8088:


At present XAMPP is configured but we also need to configure Apache to use the aforementioned settings.

Selecting Config:


Nosotros want to check the httpd.conf:


This will open the file in our editor.

Nosotros need to update lines 58 and 221, changing 80 to 8088.

Relieve and close the file.

At present y'all will need to shut XAMPP and reopen it.

Start Apache and MySQL

If you have successfully started the service(s), it should appear in green. If y'all get an error, information technology should be explained in the box below.


At present if we become to http://localhost:8088/ , yous should see the default load screen for XAMPP:


Now bank check that PHPMyAdmin is also working -;http://localhost:8088/phpmyadmin/

We demand to brand the empty database for the Drupal site.

Open the htdocs folder within XAMPP either from your browser or use the Explorer button from the XAMPP control console.

Drop your files into a new folder. In this case, I have made a new site and put it in a folder chosen Drupal8. To access this nosotros need to become to http://localhost:8088/drupal8/core/install.php and the installation process will begin. To create a database you only need to requite information technology a name and utilise root as the user. By default XAMPP does not gear up a password for PHPMyAdmin.

Drupal needs some PHP tweaks to run effectively. Go to the config button for Apache and select the PHP (php.ini)


Update lines 368, 378, 389, 656, 1922

  • max_execution_time=600
  • max_input_time=600
  • memory_limit=512M
  • post_max_size=64M
  • upload_max_filesize=64M
  • mysql.connect_timeout=600


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